
特伦斯“特里”托宾1945年5月19日- 4月15日,2022年我决定写我自己的讣告,再见我的家人,朋友,同学,朋友,所有的鸽子溪人民,再见,我爱你。我出生在圣罗莎,CA,玛丽(Baird)托宾和托拜厄斯宾。六个月后我们搬到了鸽子溪,托拜厄斯为老爱德·贝尔德在Baird锯木厂工作。两年后,托拜厄斯离开我们,我是由单身母亲抚养长大,一个美好的大家庭Baird的整流罩,威尔逊和整个堆旧定时器在鸽子的小溪。没有真正的概率在严重的麻烦,许多对你的眼睛。我嫁给了一个当地女孩,帕内尔Odeabough,我们离开鸽子溪度。后来我们离婚了,我发现我一生的挚爱,桑德拉·吉恩·哈迪(结婚近50年)。我们有两个孩子,布瑞特(Los Lunas Mikki),纳米,宝拉是谁埋在鸽子河公墓。我花了我的职业生涯在51区教学,从Fruita中学退休。我和桑迪周游世界,我们大多数人都能做潜水,蹦极,悬挂式滑翔机等,甚至桑迪跳出完美的飞机。 In 2015 I was diagnosed with cancer and after a seven year battle the cancer spread and I ran out of options. I am at peace with the lord and ready for the next leg of my adventure. I have requested no services and my family is honoring that decision. Burial will be in Dove Creek, the place I always considered my home, where I will once again be with our daughter, Paula. If you live in Dove Creek, you are blessed - there is no comparison. To the young people of Dove Creek enjoy the fact people care about you and are looking out for you. Find peace in knowing I am no longer in pain and if you have time throw a thought (good or bad) my way. Goodbye and I love you. Terry Tobin In lieu of flowers the family has requested donations be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.