美国政府隐瞒了我们多少钱?在某种程度上,他们掩盖所谓的不明飞行物和外星人的技术。五角大楼增加了调查努力应对美国海军UFO目击报告——是气球。然而,记者莱斯利·基恩和拉尔夫·布卢门撒尔最近一些希望外星人的信徒。在网站上汇报,他们最近提出了ex-defense情报官员的故事,在大卫•查尔斯Grusch ufo的问题。他声称,美国情报领域隐藏机密的证据“完整和部分非人类起源的完整的工艺。”他透露,五角大楼,在其他国家,获得了部分“基于汽车形态的起源……”Grusch (36), is a combat veteran of Afghanistan and a member of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force. He added that he has not actually seen any official photographs of the found spacecraft. The Pentagon told the Senate they found “no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity… that defy the known law of physics."