社区成员帮助那些无家可归的人在西棕榈滩,佛罗里达州,说一个城市条例正在损害他们的努力给那些有需要的人。这是因为条例要求许可饲料组25人或更多。“我已经无家可归了七个月,”托尼Merrit说。“我知道这些无家可归的人经历悲惨的事情在他们的生活中,有些人不能真正理解它。”Merrit回家他说咖喱公园,他觉得公众已经无家可归者社区的一种误解。“这就像无家可归的人是最糟糕的,街头的人渣,其中一些是伟大的人民,“Merrit说。“我已经清理整个公园在过去的七个月。”Merrit说医疗费用后,一场车祸让他在大街上。“每个人都需要帮助,无论如何,“Merrit说。SEE MORE: Funds for turning motels into homeless shelters at riskHe said he's had food thanks to We Care About People Inc., but now the organization faces its own challenges."I received a warning telling me that I cannot serve the homeless," said Canta Chestnut, the founder and president of We Care About People. "I was breaking an ordinance that had been enacted March 23."The grassroots organization prepares and packages meals but will need a permit to distribute the food to more than 25 people or they could face a $500 fine or 60 days in jail."I don't intend to stop, because I don't think you have the right to infringe on my First Amendment right to practice my religion," Chestnut said. "We are to take care of those less fortunate. We're to feed the hungry, clothe the naked. We're supposed to provide shelter."Scripps News West Palm Beach spoke with Armando Fana, assistant city administrator for the city of West Palm Beach, who said the ordinance was needed."Well-intentioned groups come in to feed the homeless or feed others and provide their services and, unfortunately, they leave, and then the city and the rest of the citizens are left with the litter that's left behind and unsanitary conditions," Fana said.Fana encourages grassroots organizations to join city-led efforts to help the 14,000-plus people reported by Point in Time to be homeless last year in Palm Beach County."We need food, housing, mental health, substance abuse assistance, all those things have to come together," Fana said. "Providing just food assistance alone is not going to get these individuals off the street. We want that help."This article was originally published by Joel Lopez at Scripps News West Palm Beach.