
史蒂夫Prodromides 10月11日,1930年9月18日,2021年父亲史蒂夫Prodromides离开这个地球上9月18日,2021年,享年90岁。他在大结的家中去世,科罗拉多。他离开了他的妻子,维吉尼亚;哥哥,哈利;妹妹,卡莉;孩子,院长,约翰,玛丽•贝思,和皮特;他的九个孙子,18个曾孙。他是一位受人爱戴的希腊东正教牧师出生在纽约10月11日,1930年。史蒂夫曾许多社区在他有生之年:丹佛,科罗拉多州;大岛屿,内布拉斯加州; Indianapolis, Indiana; Salt Lake City, Utah; Odgen, Utah; Las Vegas, Nevada; Lincoln, Nebraska; Boulder, Colorado, and Grand Junction, Colorado. His acts of service near his death mainly being in Grand Junction, Colorado, at the Regional Center. Steve was a loving husband, father and grandfather. He always had a listening ear available for those that needed counsel. Steve will be greatly missed. Father Steve’s Memorial service will be held December 12, 2021, at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church following Liturgy at 11:30 a.m. The church is located at 3585 N. 12th Street in Grand Junction, Colorado. There will be donuts and coffee for those that wish to remember Father Steve by gathering.