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在2005年的模拟纪录片《我是性瘾者》(I Am a sexual Addict)中,主人公悲伤地坐在一个为“性瘾者”举办的12步匿名会议上。当他的亲密关系动摇时,他无法控制寻找妓女的冲动,最终沦落到那里。“我越沉迷于这种瘾,它就变得越强,”他说,并向小组承认,他的性强迫毁了他的婚姻。











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2022年12月16日星期五(每日健康新闻)——对于数百万多发性硬化症(MS)患者来说,极度疲劳通常是最令人痛苦的症状之一。现在,一项新的研究表明,光疗可能帮助这些人恢复生活。多发性硬化症是一种自身免疫性疾病,当身体攻击神经周围的绝缘时,会导致疲劳、麻木、膀胱问题、情绪问题和行动障碍,影响日常生活。当患有多发性硬化症的患者每天坐在灯箱前30分钟,持续两周后,他们比坐在昏暗的红灯前的患者更不累,而且报告说他们有更多的精力来度过一天。光是如何帮助缓解疲劳的还不完全清楚,但研究人员有他们的理论。“光疗可以在白天提高警觉性、注意力和清醒度,增加大脑中血清素和去甲肾上腺素的可用性;这两种神经递质都负责调节情绪和动机,”研究作者斯蒂芬·塞德尔博士说。他是维也纳总医院的神经学家,也是奥地利维也纳医科大学的副教授。这项研究包括26名ms患者,其中一半人坐在一盏亮度为10,000勒克斯的日光灯前,这是有效光疗的推荐亮度。另一半人坐在一盏同样的灯前,灯发出微弱的红光。研究人员在开始研究之前排除了任何睡眠障碍,因为这些障碍可能会影响研究结果。每天坐在10000勒克斯日光灯前半小时的人在短短两周内就表现出了更好的身体和精神表现。 In addition, they were less sleepy by day.In contrast, no such effect was seen among people with MS who sat by the red-light lamps, the study showed. These changes were measured by reductions in scores on a Fatigue Severity Scale.Easing fatigue makes a big difference in quality of life for people with MS, Seidel said."Fatigue is highly prevalent in patients with MS affecting anywhere from 75% to 98% and ranks in the top three reasons for impairment during activities of daily living," he said.Various medications can help alleviate fatigue in MS, but they carry a risk of side effects. This is where light therapy shines as it is essentially free of side effects, Seidel said."It should be worth a two- to three-week trial when experiencing fatigue in combination with depression [in MS]," he said.Seidel noted that light sensitivity due to medication should be discussed and checked by a physician before treatment starts. Certain medications cause heightened skin sensitivity when skin is exposed to light.The study was recently published in the Multiple Sclerosis Journal – Experimental, Translational and Clinical.Kathy Zackowski, associate vice president of research at the New York City-based National MS Society, reviewed the findings."Light therapy is an option for someone with MS who has fatigue," Zackowski said. "Light therapy has been associated with lessening of fatigue in several studies, though all studies have been small and underpowered to show a strong effect."What is needed now is a larger study and more careful consideration of the effect of natural environmental light, she said.Still, there really isn't a downside to giving light therapy a try if you have significant fatigue, Zackowski added."Light therapy is a non-technical, non-pharmaceutical intervention with very few known side effects, and the financial investment needed to pursue light therapy is minimal," she said.The light boxes used in the study start at around $200."MS-related fatigue is a very common symptom of MS and is very difficult to treat," Zackowski noted.Checking in with your health care team can also help troubleshoot MS-related fatigue, she said."A physician can evaluate the medications a person is on and determine the risk of side effects as well as testing for physiologic reasons for feeling fatigued," Zackowski said. "A second step would be to consult with an occupational therapist to assess sleep issues, help with simplifying tasks at work and home and learn strategies for conserving energy."In addition, a physical therapist can help develop a regular exercise program to prevent de-conditioning, and a psychologist can offer guidance in strategies such as stress management, relaxation training or psychotherapy.More informationThe National MS Society offers more tips on how to manage MS-related fatigue.SOURCES: Stefan Seidel, MD, associate professor, neurology, Medical University of Vienna, and neurologist, Vienna General Hospital, Austria; Kathy Zackowski, PhD, associate vice president, research, National MS Society, New York City; Multiple Sclerosis Journal – Experimental, Translational and Clinical, Nov. 7, 2022, online